
In 1819, 2 enslaved African(s) were “liberated” in a state-run scheme usually resulting in involuntary indentures, conscription, or re-enslavement. Under the jurisdiction of 1, Case ID LA-E-189 occurred via the Court of Vice Admiralty, Mauritius.

Case Details
UID LA-E-189
Case Name Constance
Year 1819
Government Department Colonial and Foreign Offices, Great Britain
Court Court of Vice Admiralty, Mauritius
Trial Outcome Condemned
Enslaved Total 2
Liberated Africans Total 2
Registered Total 0
Notes Return shows name of vessel or numbers seized on shore, as well as gender distributions (if known), by what court condemned and date of condemnation. List includes captured ships without people on board. Summary of totals provided at end of document.
Sources National Archives, Mauritius, Commission of Eastern Enquiry Papers, IB 25/60, "Return of Vessels & Negroes captured at Sea, and Negroes seized on shore, & condemned in the Vice Admiralty Court at the Cape of Good Hope, and the Colonial & Vice Admiralty Court at Mauritius," 1808 - 1827, (no folio numbers in this volume). Digital copies of this record provided by Satyendra Peerthum (2022); Matthew S. Hopper "Liberated Africans in Indian Ocean Spreadsheet" (donated to Liberated Africans in 2018); Matthew S. Hopper, “Liberated Africans in the Indian Ocean World,” in Richard Anderson, and Henry B. Lovejoy, Liberated Africans and the Abolition of the Slave Trade, 1807-1896 (Rochester: Rochester University Press, 2020), 215-237; Matthew S. Hopper, Slaves of One Master: Globalization and Slavery in Arabia in the Age of Empire (New Haven: Yale University Press, 2015).
Cite as:

Lovejoy, H. B. (2024). Conceptualizing ‘Liberated Africans’ and Slave Trade Abolition: Government Schemes to Indenture Enslaved People Captured from Slavery, 1800–1920. Past & Present, 1-69.

Chadha, K. (2024). Regenerated Identities: A Collaborative Web-based Content Management System for Digital Humanities. International Journal of Computer Applications, 186(29), 28–33.

Event Details
UID LA-E-189
Case Name Constance
Departure from Africa
Region East Central Africa
Place Unspecified
Enslaved Total 2
Location Port Louis Harbor
Navy Britain
Ship Liverpool
Supporting Ships
Sentence Date 1819-08-31
Government Department Colonial and Foreign Offices, Great Britain
Court Court of Vice Admiralty, Mauritius
Trial Outcome Condemned
Region Mascarenes
Place Mauritius
Liberated Africans 2
Registered 0
People Details
UI Name Age Sex Height (ft)
VI015928 Duchess View Details
VI015929 Abraham View Details
VI015930 Edward View Details
VI015931 James Grant View Details
VI015932 Maria View Details
VI015933 Sybelle View Details
VI015934 Maria Joesha View Details
VI015935 Jaques View Details
VI015936 James Grant View Details
VI015937 June View Details
VI015938 Child View Details
List of Source(s)

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