Digital Identity

Person Details
UID VI010549
LA-E-ID (Liberated Africans connector) LA-E-28
Case Name Seized at Mania
Register Date
Year 1815
Recaptive Number 7870
Person Name Yuma
Alternative or Transcribed Name
Modern Name Interpretation Yuma
Transcribed Age 14
Age Category Adult (14 to 40 years)
Transcribed Sex W
Sex Female
Transcribed Height (ft.) 4'9
Height (in) 57
Height (cm) 145
Physical Characteristics Scarification
Transcribed Description Four long scars ea side face: several faint scars on forehead: Several dᵒ dᵒ on back
Language Association Fula (Upper Guinea)
Documented African Nation
Possible Dialect
Travel & Court Related Information
Government Department Colonial and Foreign Offices, Great Britain
Court Condemned Court of Vice Admiralty, Freetown
Embarkation Region Rivers of West Africa
Embarkation Port Unknown
Disembarkation Region Rivers of West Africa
Disembarkation Port Freetown
Capture Ship
Capture Date 1815-11
Arrival Date
Sentence Date 1815-12-05
Intended Destination Region
Secondary Migration Sierra Leone
Post Disembarkation Freetown
Specific Location
Archival & Source Data
Source Sierra Leone Public Archive, Liberated Africans Register, 7861-7871
Digitization Endangered Archives Programme, 2009. “Before the War, After the War: Preserving History in Sierra Leone,” British Library. Available online:; Endangered Archives Programme, 2011. “Nineteenth Century Documents of the Sierra Leone Public Archives,” British Library. Available online:
Transcription SlaveVoyages, (accessed 2024)
Name Interpreter SlaveVoyages, (accessed 2024)
Digital Archivists
Voyage ID (Slave Voyages) V60033
Researcher Notes
List of Source(s)

There are no sources to display at this time. Ongoing efforts are being made to expand the digital archive and add files to this case.