Digital Identity

Person Details
UID VI000308
LA-E-ID (Liberated Africans connector) LA-E-3802
Case Name Marie Paul
Register Date 1808-11-08
Year 1808
Recaptive Number 13
Person Name Cardyob
Alternative or Transcribed Name
Modern Name Interpretation
Transcribed Age 14
Age Category Adult (14 to 40 years)
Transcribed Sex M
Sex Male
Transcribed Height (ft.) 4'9 1/2
Height (in) 57.5
Height (cm) 146.05
Physical Characteristics Scarification
Transcribed Description 3 scars on left thigh
Disposal Colonists and Soldiers in the Colonial Militia, at present employed in the Service by Government in cutting around to their place of settlement: have 2 acres of land each live with their wives in or temporary settlement in the neighbourhood of their employment: are distinguishable from the Colonists by being more loyal, orderly and respectful: receieve the lowest wage in the Colony (9d per day) no other Capacities.
Language Association
Documented African Nation
Possible Dialect
Travel & Court Related Information
Government Department Colonial and Foreign Offices, Great Britain
Court Condemned Court of Vice Admiralty, Freetown
Embarkation Region Western Savanna
Embarkation Port Saint-Louis
Disembarkation Region Rivers of West Africa
Disembarkation Port Freetown
Capture Ship Derwent
Capture Date
Arrival Date
Sentence Date 1808-11-10
Intended Destination Region French Caribbean
Secondary Migration Sierra Leone
Post Disembarkation
Specific Location Public works
Archival & Source Data
Source CO267/24; Sierra Leone Public Archive, Liberated Africans Register, 1-60
Digitization Endangered Archives Programme, 2009. “Before the War, After the War: Preserving History in Sierra Leone,” British Library. Available online:; Endangered Archives Programme, 2011. “Nineteenth Century Documents of the Sierra Leone Public Archives,” British Library. Available online: Padraic Scanlan donated materials from CO267.
Transcription SlaveVoyages, (accessed 2024)
Name Interpreter
Digital Archivists
Voyage ID (Slave Voyages) V7539
Researcher Notes
List of Source(s)